Sunday, 19 May 2013

News from the Owl and Monkey Haven

I know that a number of you have sponsored monkeys or owls from the haven and some of you sponsored Martin

Picture from the Owl and Monkey Haven website

Mini-Kolo visited Martin last year before he and Lulu moved into their new home, they had a long chat about plans.

or donated to building a new home for Martin and his partner Lulu when she arrived from France.  Well we have wonderful news from the Haven.  Martin and Lulu have a new baby, Malou.  They don't know yet whether Malou is a boy or a girl but it is great news.

They Haven also mentioned in our local paper that they are trying to rehome the white-throated capachin that was owned by Justin Beber, so little Malou would have a playmate.

To read more about Malou see: he certainly is cute.

On a much more sad note my other personal favourite monkey at the Haven, Fudge, died in March.  Lots of you had adopted Fudge and we all loved him very much. 

Picture from the Owl and Monkey Haven website

Mini-Kolo also had a visit with Fudge last year and both Mini-Kolo and I have had long chats with Fudge and spent many happy times together.

I am particularly sorry to say goodbye to Fudge but the Haven gave him a very happy life and that is the most important thing.

The Haven will continued to do great work for monkeys and owls and will visit them again in the summer.


  1. th owl nd munkey sankyewary dus a beary gud job.. wee luff them likkle marmosets munkeys. wee sorry fudge passd OTRB but kno hee swingin free threw them trees nd pawtyin wif owah pals

  2. Nooooooooooooooooooooo FUDGE! Oh OMD....*runs off to open Rainbow Bridge*....ello my pal...we haz snacks and we do some swingin on a branch later if you likes

  3. i wos sad to reed bowt fudj kolo but we noes ee did av gud times at munky ayvun but is grayt news bowt th littl bayby for martin an looloo an i look forwud to seein it wen i dus visit agane

  4. Yay another Lulu! I iz sad to lern abowt Fudge *softpaw*
