Well you all know by now that we do an anipal photo hunt every week so just come on and join in!! Do it now, don't put it off, you really know you want to.
This week's theme is Mom or as we uptight Brits say "mum". We it does matter what we call it the fact is I don't have one, no stuffed baboons do not have moms, mums or anything of the sort. However, I have got a person (well two acutally but I suppose the second person is really my person's person, confused, you should be) and that will have to do. Of well needless to say my person has got an attack of shyness now pictures are to be shown.
Here is my person very happy in an Arsenal shirt at Highbury. This is her when she is most happy watching the Gunners and this was during the season when they went unbeaten all season so it was very special.
Now this picture is a bit of a shocker, notice what she is wearing, a skirt, well I've never seen that before or since! What was that all about then?
So there you are now you have seen my person, not really my mum more my best friend but the closest I have to a mum so she will have to do. If you are ever looking out for her you are more likely to see her looking as she does in the first photo.