Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Anipal Photo Hunt #14: MOM

Well you all know by now that we do an anipal photo hunt every week so just come on and join in!! Do it now, don't put it off, you really know you want to.

This week's theme is Mom or as we uptight Brits say "mum". We it does matter what we call it the fact is I don't have one, no stuffed baboons do not have moms, mums or anything of the sort. However, I have got a person (well two acutally but I suppose the second person is really my person's person, confused, you should be) and that will have to do. Of well needless to say my person has got an attack of shyness now pictures are to be shown.

Here is my person very happy in an Arsenal shirt at Highbury. This is her when she is most happy watching the Gunners and this was during the season when they went unbeaten all season so it was very special.

Now this picture is a bit of a shocker, notice what she is wearing, a skirt, well I've never seen that before or since! What was that all about then?
So there you are now you have seen my person, not really my mum more my best friend but the closest I have to a mum so she will have to do. If you are ever looking out for her you are more likely to see her looking as she does in the first photo.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Anipal Photo Hunt #13: From where I stand

This week's anipal photo hunt theme is From where I stand.

Do join in come on you know you want to, click on the button to join us, its fun, you know you want to.

Well this was what I could see from where I stood on a rainy day. Its a nice view but boy was I sick of the rain.

This is what I can see from my window on a nice day. The water is the Solent which is part of the English Channel that separates my island from the mainland. The city you can see in the background is Portsmouth, a big naval city in the south of England, its only about 3 or 4 miles away from us and we get a good view of it.

The town you can see is Ryde where I live.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Anipal Photo Hunt #12: All Souls' Day

This week's theme is All Souls' Day which also makes us think of the Mexican day of the dead that we have heard about and saw an exhibition about once in Dallas, Texas. I love the idea of celebrating our dead loved ones anipal or human so this is great.

If you want to join in the anipal photo hunt please click on the button, its fun and you know you want to.

My problem this week is that I do not have a picture of the loved one I am thinking of. She died in the mid 1990's when we did not have any digital pictures and we cannot find any of our photos to scan in because they were lost when we moved. However we remember her well, she was my person's sister, so I guess my aunty in a way. Her name was Lizzie and she had bright red hair and she was a lawyer, she did very well to become a lawyer because, like my person, she did not do well at school and she was a kidney patient, eventually that is why she died so young. She worked hard to become a lawyer and she never really got to practice law but she was such fun and always laughing so we want to remember Elizabeth Martin (Lizzie), we always laugh when we think or talk about her but we do miss her lots.

This picture is not of her but it reminds us of her because she and my person used to go there on Sundays and walk around and eat dinner and have a lot of fun. It is Covent Garden in London and it was one of her favourite places.

Sorry to have talked so long in this blog entry. We miss our Lizzie and we are glad to tell you about her. A couple of weeks ago my person had a lovely afternoon in Covent Garden and it made her happy to have been there again.